Apple Music Replay
Run it back champ!
It is that time of the year isn’t it?
Where all our preferred streaming platforms tell us about the copious amount of hours spent indulging in music.
Hz posted his Spotify Wrapped, and well, I’m here to share my Apple Music Replay.
Here are my top genre’s for the year…

Hey, wait a minute…

Either way, today is day FOUR of our Advent Calendar.

Folks, we’ve got many categories to choose from, and on today’s installment…
It is….
Now, for today, I actually thought of many different songs from many different artists…
But, I’m not sure why it took me this long to settle on this artist…
Hz may find it obvious but, today’s winner is…
Now, I first found ODESZA back on Majestic Casual with their release of “How did I get here” and fell in love instantly. As a devoted fan, I have had the pleasure of witnessing them grow from a smaller known group, to grammy nominated artists (how the fuck Beyoncé won is beyond me but w/e).
I’ve seen it all, and heard it all.
ODESZA may be the ONE and ONLY artist I know EACH and EVERY song for.
They have created some incredibly gorgeous melodies, and feel good tracks. They have also one of the most INSANE side collab projects (please more Bronson releases).
They have their own label.
Their live shows are incredible.
The vibe is incredible.
Why ODESZA takes this spot is very simply put…
Seeing them live saved my life.
It gave me an understanding, and drove the point home that…
By any means necessary, it gets better.
THAT, I promise you.
Genre: I still couldn’t tell you LMAO (sorry for my lack of genre knowledge Hz).
Per Audacia Ad Astra
(P.S. It gets better. Some way, some how. Even if in a year, or two. It gets better.)
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