My Spotify Wrapped
If you’ve been on the internet in the past 24 hours you’ve likely seen everyone’s Spotify wrapped.
So I’m going to do the same!

Yes, there’s only 15,000 hours. I don’t use Spotify. I’m a mp3 maximalist.
Streaming sites are convenient but exploiting to artists. A topic for another day.
Moving on…
I have to defend myself on a SERIOUS accusation that happened a couple days ago.
These are serious attacks on my character and I won’t stay silent about it.
Okay deep breath
I genuinely had NO IDEA that advent calendars were supposed to count down days until Christmas.
I thought it was a fun calendar box thing where you opened boxes and got cool stuff, That’s what the Dumpsterdar design from.
Reality is destroyed once again…
Well… The calendar is staying like that :D.
It’s too late in the game to fight Canva to give me a better dumpster or calendar, so as mom would say “we have an advent calendar at home.”
In any case, let’s see how it’s doing!

Man, already day 3! Let’s see what’s inside:
Oh… Well… How convenient!
And inside is…
From first listen I heard something special which is hard from what I call “Flume Spawn”
It’s both a good and bad thing because:
1: It sounds like Flume’s groundbreaking sound design and gorgeous melodies.
2: It sounds like Flume.
In any case, his discography is full of amazing, emotive, groundbreaking songs that earned a spot in this Dumpsterdar.
Todays’s song by him is a gorgeous one. Clen sounds, unmatched atmosphere, and a beautiful soundscape that fills your ears with magic.
It’s the perfect example of why MIRZHA is someone to keep your ears on going forward.
Genre: Flume Spawn.
Always Foward
P.S What does your unwrapped look like? I’d love to know!
To sweeten the deal, I’ll send over a secret song from another artist I believe will kill it in 2025.
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