The Driving Human Force
It's not what you think it is.
Fear isn't the driving force of humans.
I found what it really is today. Here’s how it happened:
After a year of struggling to work at home I finally returned to the humble library.
The plan is simple: write the email (to send it out on time), research new ventures, do some client work, and fight the sleep deprivation demons.
Everything seemed well on paper when I started the “write email” task…
Have a clear task: Check.
Open laptop and writing software: check.
Start writing: ERROR. TOPIC MISSING.
Ah crap. Here we go again.
I looked around for ideas and saw... Books.
Books = topic for email.
And while searching for ideas I located something that triggred a blood memory and started the downward spiral:
A book on pop up books (the cool 3d ones).
So I grabbed it, read it for 20 minutes and wrote an email about it!
Or well, half an email until I glanced away for a second and caught eye of another book.
A psychology book.
So as any normal person does when they find a cool book…
I read it for a WHOLE HOUR.
And then wrote ANOTHER email about it :D
Except that after writing it for 40 minutes I realized: whoever reads this is calling in the psych ward for an escapee. (it is now locked in the archives)
So here's the THIRD attempt at writing about something that will be interesting to you. (5 HOURS after I originally started)
If you haven’t picked up what this “secret” driving force is, I’m about to reveal it.
How's this for a "are you sure this is a music newsletter?" insight:
You are not driven by fear or self-interest.
You are driven by curiosity.
Fire wasn’t created out of fear.
It was born out of the sheer curiosity of “hey what happens if I smash these 2 rocks together”
I'm also betting that you signed up for the Dumpster out of curiosity.
And I’m willing to double dare that you’ll click today’s song.
Not because you know about this new driving force
But because I won’t say ANYTHING about it.
So will you succumb to your curiosity or will you prove that you’re better than human nature?
The decision in in your hands.
Just remember you signed up for it ;)
Genre: Aren’t you curious?
Always Curious Forward.
P.S. Now that email is done, it's time to catch up to everything else! Help.
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