The Dawn of a new Era...

The finish line is right there.

At last, the school year has begun again.

And with that, traffic…

And well ofc, the progression of ones education and seeing friends again.

While this may just seem like another ordinary email to you, this will serve as a written reminder to myself (and you as well, wherever you may find it applicable).

You are almost there.

Do not falter.

Remember that your journey is a marathon, not a race.

Allow yourself the opportunity to fail and welcome it with arms wide open, as they serve as a means for you to learn and grow as a person.

Love and nurture your relationships with people, and let them grow as they please.

Create memories that last, and do your best to leave a positive lasting impression on those that you care about.

And when you cross that finish line, do so with a smile on your face and your head held up high, regardless of what may have happened in the past.

Genre: Techno/Synth/Prog?

Per Audacia Ad Astra


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