The (soon to be) end of an era.

And just like that...

Well, to those that celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope your Thursday was filled with many new memories, and a plethora of good food.

And to those that don’t, I hope your Thursday was absolutely stellar.

Speaking of Stellar, we know that there are 365 days (366 next year) in a year. That means, we get 365 days, and 365 nights. Today will mark our 334th (if my math is correct) night.

334 nights have gone by and it hasn’t even felt like anything.

It’s a little mind blowing to comprehend.

Time is but a fleeting concept.

Now, we still have a month left, but lets be honest…

Who is realistically counting December. That is THE month for taking a break. It’s Christmas, soon followed by the start of a new year.

So, as we soon enter the final month of the year, enter it with no regrets.

Call loved ones, check up on friends, give strangers compliments.

Smile more.

As for today’s song, I hope you’ll come to appreciate it.

It serves as a gentle reminder that time is fleeting, so give it your all, every single day.

Do the things you want to do.

And as Hz would say…

“No more zero days.”

Genre: I really couldn’t tell you.

Per Audacia Ad Astra


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