We'll be right back
after this scheduled break.
At the Dumpster Delicacies offices today, we, had a sort of oopsies.
You see…
The instruments (our brains) used in cataloging sensitive info (the advent calendar) inexplicably died (we forgot to edit it).
Therefore, for today, we’ll be taking a short break from the advent calendar, and issuing a mandated…
Just what is this roulette?
Well, I decide to spin a wheel with many overarching genres of electronic music, and well, the fates have chosen…

Ah yes, good ol house music.
Now, I could just provide you with a basic house track…
Or, I could dive a bit deeper into the genre.
So, for today, you’ll be getting a….
Now, what makes this song special?
Today’s song comes from a very interesting artist.
Fraunhofer Diffraction (baller ass name)
Fraunhofer Diffraction has an interesting discography, with songs implementing various sounds.
Now, while some of their songs may not exactly be my taste, today’s song is very much a good one. In fact, the album it stems from may just be his/her best work.
This house track is deep, its dark/cold, yet it is absolutely melodic and gets you moving much like any other house track does.
The vocals tap into that dark/cold feeling very well, and help elevate this track into an absolute work of art.
Now, enough gatekeeping…
Genre: Lo-Fi House
Per Audacia Ad Astra
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